
Some Brisbane observations

Last week’s two whirlwind trips to Brisbane were busy with family business, but there was a chance for a few quick transporty observations. Tourists see signs for “stations” and might assume they’re all railway stations. Nope, some of them are busway stations – they just look similar from the outside! Boggo Road busway station has  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Vale Uncle Frank

In the past week, I’ve flown to Brisbane and back twice. My Uncle Frank got very sick. My sister, my cousin and I are his closest relatives, and we all live interstate. Thankfully we were able to go and see him. He passed away on Sunday morning. It was peaceful in the end, but it  ... [More]


Train services vs patronage

A follow-up to last week’s post mapping out the number of train services per station. Commenter Andrew suggested I compare it against patronage – happily I’d been working on this anyway! Here it is – and as a bonus I’ve got hold of 2017-18 station patronage data. The darker the blue, the higher the boardings  ... [More]


Visualisation: how many services from your station?

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before: slicing and dicing GTFS data is not as intimidating as I thought it might be, and it’s pretty easy to import into Google Maps so you can visualise it. Once you find what you want and figure out its quirks, you can get some pretty  ... [More]