
Searching for Google

Google has announced (somewhat early, and amongst other things) the top Australian searches of 2009. Most popular searches of 2009 Facebook YouTube Hotmail eBay MySpace Google Yahoo Gmail Bebo Seek So plenty of people search for Google in Google, despite the idiocy in doing so, and more significantly, the inherent dangers:


Poor Mr Pictogram

Poor pictogram man; he’s obviously in a state of complete despair over the loss of his car. I wonder if he’s based on someone real? Has anybody compiled a web site of unlucky pictogram people? That’d be a fun project. Actually maybe he didn’t lose his car. Maybe he just got outbid on the signed  ... [More]


The mathematics of school textbooks

It’s all easy in primary school. You send the money in, you get a box of goodies. There’s few textbooks, and almost all are kept at and owned by the school. It gets more complicated and expensive in secondary school. So here’s the scenario: Two kids, two years apart. The school has a secondhand book  ... [More]