Memes rule, pass it on music

Alphabetical music meme

For those so inclined, here’s a music meme. Take your iPod, or alternative daggy unfashionable non-Apple MP3 player, or even your music collection on your computer. Pick a song, maybe one you like at the moment, doesn’t really matter which one. Using the alphabetic list of songs in your iPod/player/computer, list that song and the  ... [More]

PTUA transport

If I had that 2.5 minutes again

Morning radio can be very fast-paced. In the case of yesterday morning’s two-and-a-half minutes on Jon Faine’s programme, about railway security, I’d been dashing around, and only had a couple of minutes between hearing their voicemail and being on-air. Maybe that’s why they call it the “hectic half-hour“. Not sure it excuses me being unable  ... [More]