
Road things

Insurance companies are talking about reducing insurance premiums for people who don’t drive much, on the basis that they’re less likely to have accidents and cause pollution. I’m not sure why insurance companies inherently care about pollution, but bring it on! But hey, I can say that — my average driving in the car has  ... [More]

Consumerism Photos

King of the Coke!

Consumerism Here is my Home life

Here is my couch

Here, looking very posed, is a piccy of me on my new couch, which arrived on Saturday. Super-comfortable. Feels quite high off the ground, compared to the old, saggy one (which hopefully some lucky Freecycler will want). None of the pictures taken quite captures the colour exactly, but this one is as close as any  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Happy birthday, nephew

My nephew Leo was born two years ago, and celebrated his birthday yesterday. His entry into the world doesn’t seem that long ago, and already he’s a toddler, not talking yet, but running around and making the kinds of noises toddlers do when they’re trying to express themselves. Showing people things, curious as anything, and  ... [More]

News and events PTUA transport

Connex hacked

So, did we all get the fake SMS from Connex last night? I certainly did. Looks like lots did. ALLAHU AKBR FROM CONNEX! our inspectorS Love Killing people – If you see one coming, run. Want to bomb a train? they will gladly help! See you in hell! Shame they can’t spell. The followup, later  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones News and events

Sometimes the world is horrible

At first glance, to someone living my busy-but-comfortable life, the world is a pretty nice place. The trees are green, the birds noisy but happy, the neighbours are friendly, the paper arrives on the lawn every day and food and drink are plentiful. But you only have to watch the news to know that much  ... [More]


Would you want to know?

A friend of a friend is sick. Dying. Body riddled with cancer. Months to live. He’s not young, but not old, and by all accounts he’s a good guy. He’s told people that he wants to hear now, whatever they were planning to say after he was gone. He’s a religious man. His whole family  ... [More]

News and events transport

Can you see the light?

The Australian government is going to get conventional (incandescent) light globes phased out in favour of energy efficient bulbs. Obviously this will save people money on their power bills. And it’ll reduce household emissions. Up to 75% of emissions from household lighting will be saved. How much is that? Ummm… Well, not that much at  ... [More]

Home life

Touch wood

Since I set off the bug bombs last week, I’ve found no live cockroaches in the house, save for one that stowed away from the mailbox in a pile of junkmail. A few dead ones have been found, mostly outside the back door, perhaps trying to escape. And last night I found a dead hairy  ... [More]

Geek Video games

Are you keeping up with the Commodore?

Yesterday afternoon, reminiscing at ACMI’s Hits of the 80s video game exhibit — free at Melbourne’s Federation Square until May. While most of the games were running on Spectrum or C64 emulators, this copy of Way Of The Exploding Fist was running on a genuine machine. And just as it was back then, one of  ... [More]

Health Ranting

Smoking rant

One of the funniest things I’ve ever read on the blogosphere was Kathryn, who smokes, ranting about non-smokers. Others must have found it amusing too, as it was nominated for the Best Post on an Australian Blog for that year. But… I hate smoking. I know the chemicals in tobacco make smoking incredibly addictive for  ... [More]

Here is my Home life

Here is my grass

This is the nature strip outside my house. I leave it alone apart from organising to get it mowed every so often. All it gets is (comparatively rare) rain water. It’s lush and green. I don’t know why. This is my front lawn. It gets some greywater, and a regular mowing, but is otherwise left  ... [More]