Home life

Uh oh!

Rumour has it that "Alexei", our bloated noisy smoky neighbour (but with a heart of gold), the guy who once broke his toilet, has got married and moved out. That explains why his beaten up old brown car isn’t in the driveway anymore. I wonder if he’s found himself another of those Internet brides. I  ... [More]

Sport TV

Footy and TV

Shit shit shit shit shit! Thanks to me filling in my tipping form incorrectly, the cleaner has caught up with me to hold equal first place! Damn. Never mind. Hands up who remembers the 80s… endless afternoons after school in front of the TV. If you weren’t playing pirated games on your Commodore 64, you  ... [More]


Koornang Road Blues

I think maybe Koornang Road in Carnegie doesn’t like my car. This is not some unfounded irrational fear of a particular street. Twice last weekend I had umm…. driving altercations there. Last Friday night we piled into the car for a little shopping at Chadstone – Chaddy, as it’s known. Cruising down Koornang Road on  ... [More]

Net News and events

Internet bomb horror!

Well well well, so another bunch of teenagers made pipe bombs and blew themselves up. And of course they got their instructions… all together now… Off the Internet! Even now I can see the tabloid editors foaming at the mouth for headlines. "Kids download bombs"… "Deadly Internet"… "Web bomb"! Oh goodness, what a surprise. The  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

I spy…

Sitting outside a cafe on the weekend with the family, I kept Isaac busy (and learning too!) with a game of I Spy. After spying cars, a clock, a tram, a dog, I decided it was time for people. "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with P." Isaac looked around. Then loudly, and  ... [More]

News and events Sport

Olympics rant

I’ve just got to have a rant. This whole Olympics marching band thing has got way out of hand. From the sounds of it, some SOCOG dweeb made the wrong decision to start with, and they’d already got loads of overseas marching bands to come over when someone said "errr, how about letting some Aussies play?"  ... [More]



Well, just my luck, the hard drive I thought I’d resurrected started dying again. This time I cut off life support: unplugged it from the machine. I just couldn’t bare to see my data go on suffering like that. As it turns out, it was a snip to go out and find a new drive  ... [More]