
Close encounter of the slimy kind

The members of some occupations have certain reputations. Yesterday I had my first encounter with one of them: The used car salesman. I’ve dealt with real estate agents before, and to be honest, they’ve seemed pretty much okay. If they are just trying to rip all your money off you, at least they give the  ... [More]

Friends and loved ones

Another Bowen loose in the world

Baby Jeremy poked his head out into the world at about 6:47pm on Thursday the 12th of February 1998. About three minutes later, the rest of him came out into the world as well, and he’s been here ever since. He weighed 4060 grams. This of course means nothing to anybody, not even here in  ... [More]


A quiet week

No, no baby news. Look. I know this doesn’t really apply to most of the people reading this, it really applies to friends and especially relatives of ours: Stop bugging us! We’ll let you know when something happens – HONEST! Technically, the due date for young Jeremy (yep, we’ve decided on a name) to enter  ... [More]


False alarm

It has been what you might call an eventful weekend. After a relaxing Saturday, plodding up and down Southbank, and dropping into Madame Tussauds (how the hell DO you pronounce it, anyway?), on Saturday night, L started having regular contractions. By the point that they were three minutes apart, we decided it was time for  ... [More]