

Welcome to the new blog URL. Feel free to update your bookmarks and blogrolls.

Update 5pm. Well most stuff is working now, and forwarding is in place from the old site. Some of the title graphics for entries from 1998-2003 (years not yet migrated into WordPress) are broken; will fix those soon. Other than that, all okay I think. Let me know if you spot anything not working.

Not bad considering it was the first URL change in about 8 years.

Update Thursday 11pm. Have noticed some of the 2003 entries broke ‘cos the olde comment system they used is back on the old server. Oops. Will fix soon. Also the diary graphic on the old home page has moved…

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.

19 replies on “1-2-1-2-Testing”

Kristy, yeah I wasn’t going to move unless I could re-direct, it’s one of my commandments of web design that nobody should ever get a 404 Page Not Found because someone moved something.

Andy, yeah WP1.5. Seems to have a few nice bits, which I’ll explore in due course. The most immediate change is not letting new users have comments automatically appear… so sorry about the initial delay in seeing your comments folks, but it should mean a lot less comment spam appearing.

Thanks so much for the URL change Daniel, now I can read your diary whilst I’m killing time after finishing off IT work in class early!

The technician at my school banned, and each time I try accessing it, it states it can’t be shown due to it being rated as Profanity!

Thanks again!

Uhhh, Daniel…

I got a message that looks like it came from, saying “I see no alphanumerics, I see no email verification…” and attaching a PNG graphic asking for verification of a code, supposedly from Spam Karma.

I say supposedly, as at first glance this looks very much like the viruses that go around with ZIP files attached. In any case, my last comment appears on your site.

Is it possible that this is all a spoof and someone is sending out false verification messages that look like they come from your site? The PNG verification image is a blank grid anyway, and the form to fill in is part of the graphic (ie it’s not possible to fill it in)

Most weird message. Any ideas?

If this is genuine, I won’t be using SpamKarma!! I’ll stick to my htaccess methods.

a) appalling wording “if you are not able to see the image … due to a handicap” – err hello??
b) ironically, that text is rendered in an image!!! LOL
c) There is no email verification alternative in any case.

Maybe just a setup issue, but all this image stuff goes against my principles in any case.

Not a flame to you Daniel, just an obs that things aren’t working quite like they should…

Matt, that’s funny, though it may be because of the PICS setting I have set on the home page, which once upon a time I thought was a good idea for keeping little kids away. Seems to backfire though!

Hey Andy, you know that PNG I sent you of SpamKarma problems was from YOUR blog, don’t you… It was a ripper folks, I went to leave a comment on Andy’s blog, and it told me I was suspicious and to enter the displayed letters/numbers… but the box they were meant to be in looked pretty damn blank to me.

You can’t have unless you are a company with a name that resembles your desired domain name. Don’t know why.

>> You can’t have unless you are a company with a
>> name that resembles your desired domain name.

You can’t have a unless you have legal rights to it company name, trading name, legal name, trademark, etc) or relates to you in some way. The system is a good one – it prevents idiots registering names they have no right to. can be registered by Daniel Bowen as he is the legal owner of that name.

I have because I own that business name, I have because I own that trademark, and heck I have domains such as and simply because they relate to my business (I have no legal ownership of the names).

Had to put info in again to make comment, change favourites, pic in home page/favourites is a cute addition. But otherwise not hard.

Ego of is a bit hard.

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