
New job!

The word is out – I’ve got a new job lined up. Not that I’ve been looking, but these things have a habit of finding me. Alas, my current employers were unable to offer me the promise of any work after March, and when a three month contract at Coles/Myer popped up, well, who could resist. Especially with the chance of working with some groovy new technology, learning new things, and meeting new challenges. Not to mention the dosh.

This being the contracting world where an intricate web of little companies works for slightly bigger companies employed by bigger still companies, just about everybody has a company. For this new job I have finally taken the plunge of forming a company myself rather than working through someone else’s. It appears to me to be a bit of legal mumbo jumbo to make the big company’s lives easier when it comes to hiring contractors. And for me, it’s just a bit of fiddling around with paperwork.

But my workmates (who of course also all have companies) have claimed how easy it is, and even recommended accountants. And yes, it has been very easy so far. In fact, the hardest part was thinking of a company name.

After much debating and humming and hahing about serious names that people would look up to and think "hey, now there’s a mob we can do business with" and all those other power-shoulder-pad type concepts, I elected for "Custard Communications".

So, last week, Custard Communications Pty Ltd, ACN 077 351 707, was born. The accountant (yes, gasp, I actually now have an accountant, what an uncool sell out heavy vibe merchant I am) balked slightly at the name.

Strange thing was, when I went to open the bank account, the lady at the bank didn’t bat an eyelid. Maybe her previous customer wanted an account in the name of The Very Big Dong Of My Brother Frank And Company Pty Ltd or something equally doubtful. You just don’t know.

This weekend I even started work on cooking err, sorry, that is keeping the books. Suddenly my brain let loose with all that high school accounting that it’s been storing away somewhere at the back of my mind for the day it would come in useful. Amazing.

By Daniel Bowen

Transport blogger / campaigner and spokesperson for the Public Transport Users Association / professional geek.
Bunurong land, Melbourne, Australia.
Opinions on this blog are all mine.